Author: julius

  • Der letzte Mann. (Atak, recommended by Susanne Weiß)

    Die von Georg Barber aka ATAK kuratierte Ausstellung trägt den hübschen Untertitel “Die künstlerische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Militärischen in der deutschen Volks- und Laienkunst”. Barber legte dafür eine eigene Sammlung von Artefakten an, die bis ins 18. Jahrhundert reichen, jedoch einen Schwerpunkt in der Zeit des Ersten und Zweiten Weltkriegs haben. Hans Bohrdt: Der letzte […]

  • Graphic Witness (Exhibition by The drawing room)

    The exhibition at The Drawing Room, London  demonstrates the power of drawing to challenge and question, its capacity to record and reflect protest, and to produce images that bear witness to social injustice and even the horrors of war. The drawings move beyond documentation of man’s inhumanity to man, and become active agents in understanding […]

  • Mit dem Stein arbeiten I

    Not translated: 1 EINLEITUNG MIT DEM STEIN ARBEITEN Dao – erzeugt eins Eins erzeugt zwei Zwei erzeugt drei Drei erzeugt alle Wesen Laozi, Daodejing Schon sehr lange habe ich mich vor allem mit zwei traditionellen künstlerischen Techniken beschäftigt – mit der Zeichnung und mit der Druckgrafik. Obwohl beide den grafischen Künsten zugerechnet werden, weisen sie […]

  • Short profile: Alex Bodea

    This month´ pictorial introduces a selection of visual notes by the Romanian artist Alex Bodea. Bodea works at the crossroads of visual art, poetry and journalism. Driven by a desire for eye witnessing and recording, she makes use of a language which is based on drawing and text, both of them stripped down to the […]

  • Theo de Feyter: Back from Syria (Website)

    From 1 to 10 March, 2017, Theo de Feyter, the noted Syria specialist, archeologist and artist reporter accompanied a group of Dutch journalists, film makers and photographers in their journey through the war torn cities of Damascus, Homs and Aleppo. A selection of his drawings and gouaches is now available on his website. Theo de […]

  • Visual notes. A selection.

    Alex Bodea´s “Visual notes” is an ongoing series of poetically condensed observations in the urban sphere combining image and text. The visual notes archive was started in 2012, comprising more than 2000 entries. Technique: ink on paper, 5,7 x 10,7cm.

  • Images and texts reproduced (Conference)

    By choosing the topic of Images and texts reproduced, the eleventh International Association of Word and Image Studies–conference aims to explore the impact of reproduction/reproducibility on artistic and literary creation, and on the textual and visual constructions of knowledge in the humanities. The conceptions and uses of reproduction have undergone radical changes in the last […]

  • Linda Kitson: Drawings and Projects (Exhibition)

    Linda Kitson’s line drawings have recorded seminal moments in British history. This exhibition explores her work of the last 40 years including drawings of the 1982 Falklands War as the first officially commissioned female war artist to accompany troops into combat. It will also include her drawings behind the scenes at the BBC’s 50th anniversary […]

  • Damien Roudeau (Recommended by Joost Pollmann)

    Damien Roudeau is a brillant  French graphic reporter with a special interest in the banlieu and the life of people that live in the marges of society. He published a dozen reportage notebooks. From March 2003 to July 2004, he spent one year in the community of street workers close to the Emmaus movement. In […]

  • (Cover-Art )

    Jean Cocteau, Le mot 1915 Edel Rodriguez, Der Spiegel, 2017