Schlagwort: porträt

  • Der Letzte Mann (1924) Lithografieserie zur Premiere von F. W. Murnaus Stummfilm

    Der dynamische und sensationistische Stil, mit dem Theo Matejko seit den frühen 1920er Jahren einen nachhaltigen Eindruck auf die Kultur der Pressegrafik machte, war wesentlich von filmischen Anschauungen geprägt. Dass er 1924 von der UFA beauftragt wurde, die Dreharbeiten von Murnaus Stummfilm “Der Letzte Mann” (1924) zeichnerisch zu begleiten, unterreicht diesen Zusammenhang. In dem bahnbrechenden […]

  • Katerfamilie

    Henrieke Ribbe belongs to the very few real masters in the empathic art of portraiture. Her documentation on the Berlin club Kater Holzig was created in 2013/14. Together with her fiancée Jake Basker (aka Jake The Rapper), then a resident DJ at Kater Holzig, she came up with the idea to paint the people behind […]

  • The Dilemma of Drawing

    Nicht übersetzt: Jan Sundström has worked for 40 years as a director and producer at The Swedish Television Company (SVT). He did all kinds of productions – from art documentaries to multi-camera productions for sports events to entertainments. After his retirement he replaced the camera with the pen and started a column in a local […]

  • The “Mitoyennetés aberrantes” project

    Nicht übersetzt: “Mitoyennetés aberrantes” should probably be translated as “Aberrant neighbourhood”. It was conceived in october 2007 by Olivier Spinewine (drawing, photographing and filming reportage), Lionel Devlieger (text) and Alexia de Visscher (graphism). Eventually the project took the form of an exhibition and the edition of a zigzagfolder (download the pdf here). The concept evolved […]