Tag: graphic novel

  • Jan Vegter´s biographical documentary “Meppel, an odd year ” (ca. 1992 – 1995) (Exhibition / Catalogue)

    Jan Vegter´s sensitive drawing series Meppel, een raar jaar (‘Meppel, an odd year’) covers the beginning of WW II in the Netherlands, the German invasion, the bombardment of Rotterdam and the first days of the occupation. This brillant biographical body of work, consisting of fifty-one plates, is on show for the first time in the […]

  • Meppel, an odd year (Meppel, een raar jaar), ca. 1992 – 1995

    After his retirement as a drawing teacher in 1992 Jan Vegter (1927-2009) started to work intensely on the visualization of his memories of crucial periods of his life. To focuse his memory performance he decided to build detailed scale models of certain technical and topographic conditions. This amazing series was the first example of his […]

  • Comics & Journalism – Witnessing the world with pen & paper

    Reportage Drawing, Graphic Journalism, Observational Cartooning and Documentary Illustration: all these terms are used to describe journalistic projects where the comic or graphic artist acts as reporter. Each of these names refers to specific angles and techniques, but what they have in common is their simplicity: the world reduced to lines on paper. Before the […]

  • Sketches from the moor

    This Pictorial consists of a compilation of drawings that either did not find their way into Oliver Grajewski’s graphic novel “Der Tag im Moor” or found their way into it in a different form. The drawings are loosely arranged in the order of the narrated chapters. Ink and pencil drawings combine with digital photography and […]

  • Approaches between Palestine and Rio de Janeiro. Some reflections on comic journalism.

    Since I read Joe Sacco’s Palestine Special Edition, and its preface entitled ‘Some reflections on Palestine’, in which the author explains the process of producing the masterpiece of his youth, I started to wonder about the relation between Sacco’s comics and my own work. But there is another circumstance. When Sacco came to Brazil in […]

  • Death in the Shadows. “Black.Light Project”

    The Black.Light project, which was initiated by war photographer Wolf Boewig and his companion, the travel writer Pedro Rosa Mendes, togehter with the graphic designers Henning Ahlers and Christopher Ermisch, is in many respects an adventurous one and, when it comes to openness and extension, without precedent: Ten comic artists, which are renowned for their fictitious work […]

  • Comics as reports, a selection #2

    29/2/12 Kairo-Reportage von Olivier Kugler In der neuen Printausgabe der Wochenzeitung Der Freitag erscheint eine Kairo-Reportage des in London lebenden Zeichners Olivier Kugler. Kugler hatte jüngst drei Wochen dort verbracht und neben dem Jahrestag der aegyptischen Revolution auf dem Tahrir Platz auch die blutigen Ausschreitungen rund ums Innenministerium (nach dem Desaster im Fussballstadion von Port […]

  • Viktoria Lomasko’s Russian Graphic Novel “Forbidden Art”

    Not translated: Russland galt lange Zeit als eine Nation von Bücherwürmern. Menschen mit dicken Klassikern der russischen Literatur unter dem Arm prägten das Stadtbild, selbst in der vollen Metro konnte man ihnen begegnen. Verlage brachten ihre Bücher in Millionenauflage heraus und durften auf ein treues Lesepublikum vertrauen. Auch die bildende Kunst hatte ihren Platz im […]

  • Ikonolog: Tree (pencil on paper, digital collage, 2007/08)

    The sequence of images from Matthias Reinhold’s “Ikonolog” (www.ikonolog.de) represents the rhizomatic structural idea of his drawing project, which aims for infinite permeability and ramification. Aperspectival, organismic spatial experiences and observations of vegetative growth are poetically combined here with analytical fields of technical construction and explosion graphics, i.e. with ways of drawing that expose functional […]

  • Drawn Novel by Franz Erhard Walther

    Until July 28, the Parisian Galerie Jocelyn Wolff presents drawing-based work by Franz Erhard Walther (*1939).  The new work “Sternenstaub – A Drawn Novel” (2007/08) consists of several hundred (photocopies of) pencil-on-paper drawings tacked to the wall, each of them detailing memorable occurrences and encounters from the artist’s life – in a style vaguely reminiscent […]