Tag: nature

  • The Illuminated Myth of Mzona by Richard of Kédange (1802-1879). Part IV

    Primal Catholicism / Marian Magic / Evadah / A throw of the dice Primal Catholicism As a graphic practitioner, Richard was a farmer and gardener through and through, one who furrowed lines with sigil-magical ploughs into which he spread evocative seeds, only to have them emerge in the end into a colourful talismanic sea of […]

  • Mit dem Stein arbeiten III

    Not translated: 5 LITHOGRAFIE OHNE DRUCK 9. Mai – 6. Juni 2014 SSG, Solnhofen Firma Friedel, Solnhofen „Die sensa sind nicht nur eine mehr oder weniger genaue, mehr oder weniger angenehme oder kohärente Form, uns über die äußere Umgebung zu belehren, oder ein Mittel, um darin handeln, existieren, das heißt manch- mal auch herrschen zu […]

  • Mit dem Stein arbeiten I

    Not translated: 1 EINLEITUNG MIT DEM STEIN ARBEITEN Dao – erzeugt eins Eins erzeugt zwei Zwei erzeugt drei Drei erzeugt alle Wesen Laozi, Daodejing Schon sehr lange habe ich mich vor allem mit zwei traditionellen künstlerischen Techniken beschäftigt – mit der Zeichnung und mit der Druckgrafik. Obwohl beide den grafischen Künsten zugerechnet werden, weisen sie […]

  • Algerian Guerrilla War II: Les Portes de fer – The Iron Gates of Subjugation

    Pictorial Reports from the Algerian Guerrilla War  II After a series of devastating defeats against the insurgent Arab militias led by Abd el-Kader, the French tried to gain valuable time through the Treaty of Tafna to consolidate their military. The agreement, concluded in May 1837, granted Abd el- Kader sovereignty over the largest part of […]

  • The Lake Country-Sketchbook , June 23-July 18th 1863

    In addition to a number of studies on the flora of the Lakes, two sketchbooks of Linton with landscape views have come down to us. One is in the collection of Yale University, another in the Linton-Archive of the Melton Prior Institute. The latter contains watercolours and drawings made during hikes in the North East […]

  • Hélio Melo – The Whole of Acre in a single Tree

    In the work Estrada da Floresta [Forest Highway] by artist Hélio Melo (1926–2001, from the Brazilian state of Acre) a rubber tapper – in Portuguese, seringueiro –approaches a big rubber tree, which in the wild can measure in excess of thirty meters in height and almost three meters in diameter. The picture does not therefore […]