Tag: sculpture

  • Mit dem Stein arbeiten II

    Not translated: 3 ZU DEN STEINEN GEHEN 2. November 2013, Steinbruch Solnhofen „Travel and travelers are two things I loathe–and yet here I am, all set to tell the story of my expeditions. (…) Anthropology is a profession in which adventure plays no part; merely one of its bondages, it represents no more than a […]

  • Mit dem Stein arbeiten I

    Not translated: 1 EINLEITUNG MIT DEM STEIN ARBEITEN Dao – erzeugt eins Eins erzeugt zwei Zwei erzeugt drei Drei erzeugt alle Wesen Laozi, Daodejing Schon sehr lange habe ich mich vor allem mit zwei traditionellen künstlerischen Techniken beschäftigt – mit der Zeichnung und mit der Druckgrafik. Obwohl beide den grafischen Künsten zugerechnet werden, weisen sie […]

  • “The Boy who Spat in Sargrenti´s Eye.” A postcolonial Melton Prior novel by Manu Herbstein. A review.

    Special artist Melton Prior plays a leading role in a new novel by distinguished South African writer Manu Herbstein. Composed in the form of a fictitious diary, the historical background of the adventurous story is provided by the second campaign of the British Empire against the powerful Asante nation, located in the regions of present-day […]

  • On the Cadaver of the Father of Supranationality. – A further reading of Linton´s “Cetewayo and Dean Stanley” Conversation

    Lintoniana V “Never did corpse of hero on the battle-field, (…) exite such emotions as the stern simplicity of that hour, in which the principle of utility triumphed over the imagination and the heart.“ (The Monthly Repository, 1832) What did Linton actually mean when, at the end of his conversation piece Cetewayo and Dean Stanley, […]

  • The birth of the artistic avant-gardes out of the spirit of salon caricature. A draft.

    Not translated: Die Erfindung archigenetischer Gründungsmythen scheint eine der eigentümlichsten und nachhaltigsten Leistungen der Moderne gewesen zu sein. Schaut man sich  die Entwicklungsstränge  der Kunst des  frühen 20. Jhds. aus der Perspektive des Sonnendecks gängiger Kunstgeschichtsschreibung an, dann erweist sich das Auftauchen anarchischer Gruppierungen wie der Dadaisten und Surrealisten als ein schockierender Einbruch aus heiterem […]

  • Absolutely Drawpassing – Crossing the USA with binoculars, magnifier and a watergun

    extracts from a book by Tobias Greiner INTRODUCTION: Extracts from five chapters out of my Absolutely Drawpassing reportage book are presented as pdf files. Most of the works focus on drawings. Some photo images, real objects and installations are added that I have developed during my Drawpassing tours. The Drawpassing chapters presented here show 1. my Drawpassing practice/method 2. different places in the […]

  • Interview with Fritz Panzer: The Experiment of the “Berliner Zeitung”

    Summary From October 1998 to the end of 1999, drawings of Austrian artist Fritz Panzer appeared in the daily newspaper “Berliner Zeitung” under the title “Stadtblicke” [City Views] in quite irregular intervals. He had made the drawings in many different locations all over the capital. The then editor-in-chief, Michael Maier, intended to strengthen the element […]